Roses Blooming Profusely

Garden Maintenance, Roses / Saturday, June 28th, 2014

Cerise Pink Rose, Front bedIMG_2989IMG_2996IMG_2995IMG_3001

Despite the many distractions that summer brings, i.e. camping, boating and for me personally, watching Wimbledon, I still manage to fit in gardening either early in the morning or later in the evening when it cools off.  I particularly enjoy the roses that are in full bloom now and they are looking very healthy.  This is in sharp contrast to when I was growing a few roses in my gardens in the Fraser Valley.  No need to worry about black spot anymore and I do not seem to have any problems with aphids.   They simply seem to thrive better in the Okanagan.

I initially prune my roses after flowering (i.e. cut off all the spent blooms) and then in late summer/early fall, I prune back the healthy shoots to a bud that faces outwards.  This allows the bush to fan outwards and have an open center.  Always remember to prune just above the bud.  I then prune them back again in early spring to ensure that I get good strong shoots and an abundance of blooms.  If there is any dead wood, I cut that back right to the base.  

Meanwhile I continue to cut back or dead head flowering plants and shrubs.   I always ensure with my basil to nip the center leaves out to create a bushy plant otherwise they tend to get a bit straggly.  I am really pleased that my freesia bulbs, which I was growing in the terra cotta pots, are showing some flower buds and I just can’t wait to seem them flower.  I am having a hard time keeping up with all the lettuce .  Even though I tried to stagger the seedlings, they still seem to be producing all at once.  Thankfully I have many neighbors that I can share the plants with.  

I dedicate this post to my good friend Jen Trayler who is leaving for South Africa on Sunday…off to new adventures.  Wishing you all the very best Jen.




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