After only one week away….

Plant Material / Tuesday, May 13th, 2014

IMG_2359IMG_2352IMG_2346IMG_2330I can’t believe after being away for only one week how much growth there has been in the garden.  The yellow allysum has doubled in size.  My dwarf iris have started to bloom and I discovered a little orange geum poking through the iberis.   Even though our season here is later it seems to have done a quick catch up this past week.

We are having a community garage sale here at Fintry (next to Fintry Provinicial Park) this May long weekend, so if you are in the area please feel free to come view treasures that are being sold as well as having a tour of my garden.  

I do appreciate feedback from my viewers – here are a few excerpts of comments/questions I have recently received.  Please let me know what you would like to see more of in my blog. 


“Hi Vyvienne, can I pick your brains please? I have a 8’x2′ wooden trough on a north east facing wall (the side of our garage) and wondered what would grow well and wouldn’t mind the shade especially in winter. I would like a height of 6′ ish. I was thinking of a camellia (Cornish snow) as the main feature but I’m not sure if it’s hardy enough? Does anything spring to mind? Thanks

Response:  The camellia sounds fine but can be on the tender side so if you have a harsh winter it could be damaged. Alternatives would be hydrangeas, rhododendrons, azaleas. Even peonies can take a certain amount of shade and the tree peony would grow to 6ft. Lower growing shade plants I like are hostas and bleeding hearts (dicentra). Hope that helps.”

“Vyvienne, this is wonderful, this is so you! You are so talented when it comes to flowers, plants, gardens, you can make anything look fabulous and colorful – I will highly recommend you!”

A little cooler in the garden today but that’s just fine.  I will be planting my recent purchases from Vancouver and rearranging some more plants.  A perfect time to do it.





Would love to hear your feedback.