Welcoming the Milder Temperatures

Bulbs, Evergreens, Plant Material / Monday, January 26th, 2015

GeraniumsMixed shrubs & geraniums



I have to say with having a milder spell I am so much happier not having to walk in deep snow and finally it is lovely to have a glimpse again of the garden beds.  I am still enjoying my indoor bulbs that are so cheery this time of the year.  Minature Daff 3

Meanwhile my plants and shrubs that are nestled in the garage seem to be faring well.  I was actually surprised to see the lush green leaves on my geraniums perched on a shelf by the garage window.  The shrubs and plants that I have overwintered for my daughter, including her camellia and small blue spruce tree, are doing well too.  

The battle with the deer continues.  Despite all the efforts that my husband made to create an obstacle course by the hedge, this one particular deer has taken a liking to our garden and easily avoids all these barriers.  There is not much else that we can do now but with the snow melting, I am hoping that the deer will have more access to food sources throughout the delta and pay less attention to our hedge. 

Look for my next post in early February where I have provided tips on how to  prepare for the gardening season.   

Would love to hear your feedback.