Vancouver Island Trip, Qualicum Beach

Botanical Photography, Places of Interest / Monday, October 26th, 2015

Beach, Maple Tree (1 of 1)

I have just returned from a brief trip to Vancouver Island, Qualicum Beach.  Sadly the weather was pretty dismal but I ventured along the trail down to the beach on my friends’ property and practised photography on contrasting foliage and beach views.

Walk down to beach, Bob & Susanne (1 of 1)The scene of course is very west coast with an abundance of ferns, moss and changing foliage.   Even though it was overcast, I still managed to capture a certain amount of light on the trees.

Contrast of maple against evergreen tree (1 of 1)

The changing leaves on the maple trees were very prominent and contrasted with the backdrop of the deep green evergreens.   

Light through changing maple leaves (1 of 1)

I came across a number of decaying logs totally covered in moss and various plants still growing from that.  A miniature landscape.

Decaying log, moss (1 of 1)

Meanwhile down at the beach there were contrasts between the rocks and sea.  A lone seagull perched on one of the rocks and Holly (my friend’s Airedale) happily stood in the water patiently waiting for me to return to her owner’s home.  

Holly2 (1 of 1)

Lone seagull (1 of 1)


We were very fortunate to spend a few days in this tranquil spot and were well entertained by our hosts.  

Thanks Bob and Susanne…until the next time!







Would love to hear your feedback.