Spring Progressing

annuals, Botanical Photography, Containers, Cottage Garden Flowers, Garden Design, Hanging Baskets, May flowers, Plant Material / Monday, May 20th, 2019
Lilacs in Full Bloom

There has been a lot of progress in the Spring garden.   You would never think that we had such a hard winter.   Lots of lush new green growth and foliage.  After the first wave of colour in early Spring provided by bulbs and rockery garden flowers there is always a lull before the next wave of blooms.  This is when annuals come into play.  The hanging baskets (recently moved from the greenhouse) and containers provide that much needed colour.  With continued fertilizing these will last well into Fall.   I was happy to pick up an annual the other day that I was most intrigued with.  It is called dilapendia (a member of the mandevilla family) which is a tropical plant that produces trumpet shaped flowers.  Apparently it can tolerate intense heat so it should do well in the Okanagan.  It is mainly planted in containers or baskets and would definitely need to be over wintered.  


The rockery garden is still providing plenty of interest with yellow alyssum and iberis remaining in bloom as well as the different varieties of creeping phlox.  I love how the phlox nestles into the rocks.  

In the pond area the lacy leaf maple is in full leaf now and pond plants have significantly increased in size.  I wintered over the crocosmia so I am hoping it will bloom this year.  The birds love to visit this part of the garden to bathe both in the pond and small stream. 

The larger Japanese Maple seems to have doubled in size and is now providing a lovely shady and private spot for us.  As our garden is at the front of the house we benefit from having a canopy of trees and foliage to screen us.  This area will certainly be appreciated too in the heat of the summer.

Shady Area Created by the Japanese Maple

There are early blooming perennials in flower including allium, hardy geranium, iris, lupine and aquilegia.  These are typical cottage garden flowers.  Of course the lilacs too are adding a splash of colour and fragrance. 

I still have a few annual seedlings in the greenhouse including cosmos, nigella (love-in-the-mist) and salvia.  I will be able to plant these out soon.  The tomato, lettuce and cucumber are doing well.  Some have been planted out in the vegetable garden but I do keep some in the greenhouse so that we can benefit from earlier fruit.   I definitely will not be short of romaine lettuce as I always over plant.  I have plenty of basil too as I always like it near at hand along with the chives, rosemary, sage and thyme.    

Really enjoying my new seating area where I can look onto the garden and its progress.  

How is your garden faring…until next time.  

Would love to hear your feedback.