Rain and Wind

Cottage Garden Flowers, Hanging Baskets, June Flowers, Vegetables / Monday, June 15th, 2020

I thought today would be a good time to do a blog post as the rain continues to fall.  I have never known a June quite like this.  I am amazed that some of my plants are still standing after several strong windstorms.  The one good thing though is everything is looking very lush and vibrant. 

It seems to be a reoccurring pattern.  As soon as my peonies start to bloom the rain starts falling.  I have a least four different varieties but my favourite is the one that blooms in the front garden.  A double pink variety.  This was here when we first bought the property 13 years ago.  Peonies do not like being moved so once established it is a good idea to leave them alone.

The oriental poppies, lupines and foxgloves have also been putting on a good show.  These are typical cottage garden flowers and easily self seed; in fact one corner of the garden has been quite taken over by the foxgloves.

As Fintry Provincial Park stayed vacant longer than usual the wildflowers have been very prolific.  There are even flowers coming through left over from the torn down cottages/homes on the Dun Waters estate.  Clumps of iris can been seen and by the Estate Manager’s previous homestead there is an abundance of lilac, white spirea (bridal wreath) and yellow laburnum trees (also known as Golden Chain Tree).  

Meanwhile some areas of my vegetable garden have really taken off.  Strawberries are starting to appear and the potatoes are beginning to bloom.  I am so glad though that I grew tomatoes, pepper and dill in pots that I have been able to keep sheltered in the greenhouse.  

My hanging baskets had a slow start but are now filling in with the many different basket stuffers that I planted earlier in the year.  I am really pleased with some of the combinations including a double bacopia, calibrachoa, lotus vine and lobelia. 

As we near mid June my roses are starting to come into bud.  I am particularly looking forward to seeing the new roses by the arbour bloom.  I am very happy with my George Vancouver rose which I picked up in the bargain area at Dogwood Nursery in West Kelowna BC.(www.dogwoodnursery.com).  

George Vancouver Rose

Here’s hoping for better weather in the next few days.  My husband and I are hoping to escape on a camping trip but our truck needs fixing first.  

Happy Gardening.  I will leave with this photo of a baby chickadee just flown from the nest sitting in the pine tree.

Baby Black Capped Chickadee

Would love to hear your feedback.