May Memories 2018

Botanical Photography, Cottage Garden Flowers, May flowers, Perennials, Places of Interest, Plant Material / Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

May 2018  It has been a month of new adventures plus meeting new and old friends.  Meanwhile the garden is flourishing with continued sunshine.  I have never seen it look so lush and vibrant.  


As the rockery garden fades and the early spring flowers subside there is always a slight lull before the next wave of colour.   Buds are forming on a lot of the perennials some of which have started to bloom including the oriential poppy and my first ruby red peony as well as the painted daisy (pyrethrum).   I was so pleased to see my first lupine in bloom which I started from seed last year.  

Ruby Red Peony
Oriental Poppy
Pyrethrum (Painted Daisy)












Around May long weekend every year I accompany my husband on an MGB run, Gary’s Run.  (In memory of Gary, a canadian who organized the run 15 years ago but never actually made the run). This year we ventured to Pendleton, Oregon.  I always enjoy going on these trips as we meet up with a mixture of Canadian and American classic car enthusiasts.  The scenery surrounding Pendleton was quite exceptional and I was also intrigued with the history of the town.   I enjoyed venturing around the once affluent area with a variety of historic homes and gardens.  As well as taking photos of the run itself I couldn’t help veering off and taking photos of the flora along the way.  The gardening season there is a little more advanced so there were plenty of roses to be seen.  


My husband always attracts attention during these runs when we stop for tea.  He has quite the collection of tea accessories to match his red MGB.  We even stopped on the way home at a Tea Pot in Zillah, Washington.  

I was really spoilt on Mother’s Day when my daughter treated me to tea at a boutique hotel in Vancouver.  We rarely get time alone these days so it was quite special.  

Looking forward to the next stage of the gardening season, in particular my rose arbor.   We were quite ruthless in pruning out the dead wood last year which has really paid off.  It will be a mass of colour.  Until next time…..





May Memories 2018
Article Name
May Memories 2018
Reflecting on the month of May. From MGB runs, Mother's Day Celebration to highlights of the May garden. New phase includes oriential poppy and the start of the peonies.
Publisher Name
Moments in the Garden Photography

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