Connecting with the Garden

Birdlife, Botanical Photography, Seedlings, Spring Plants / Sunday, March 28th, 2021

My favourite part of the day is taking an early morning walk around my garden.  Often the sun is filtering through which makes it even better.  It gives me focus each day connecting with nature.  As I check out my garden beds I discover new bulb shoots poking through and fresh green growth on the perennials.  Everything appears dormant and yet the garden is very much alive.  I am also serenaded by different birds from the black capped chickadees, juncos and more recently some finches.  In addition from a distance I hear the tap tapping of the woodpecker on the hydro pole as well as the burrowing sound of the northern flicker.  Last but not least I am always fascinated with the quail who appear from nowhere scurrying around the garden.  I can’t say enough about attracting wildlife to the garden, not only birds, but bees and insects which help pollination. 


Birds Visiting My Garden

I then move onto the greenhouse.  I know I have mentioned this numerous times but I would be absolutely lost without it.  With a little under heat I already have basil, tomato and herb seeds germinating as well as lettuce.  The cosmos, sweet peas and zinnias are already germinating too.  The over wintered plants that I moved from the garage have perked up and new growth is appearing daily.  I am the classic ever inpatient gardener.  I have already visited a number of nurseries and have picked up pansies, primulas and forced bulbs.  It is just lovely to see them in flower and the scent of the violas hits you when you first walk in.  These early spring blooms do well in a cooler environment and prefer shade.  

Potted Bulbs & Early Spring Blooms

A short post today but wishing all of my followers a very Happy Easter and a productive gardening year.  

Would love to hear your feedback.