A Vibrant Fall

Fall Colours, Fall Plants, Garden Maintenance, Places of Interest / Wednesday, October 31st, 2018

Vibrant Fall Colours 

How lucky we have been these past few weeks to have experienced such warm sunny days creating such a vibrant fall.  It has given me so many opportunities to capture the light enhancing the many different changing leaves.  It has also given me the chance to have a good prune of some of the garden shrubs, roses and fading perennials.  Most of the leaves have fallen now so all the beds have a layer of mulch to protect them through the winter.  All the tender plants have now been moved from the greenhouse to the garage.  It’s very handy for accessing my herbs and on dull days to still see some flowers blooming.

My walks through Fintry Provincial Park this month have been a little inhibited due to the expansion of 50 more campsites.  My husband and I have skirted around the construction areas so that we have been unable to do our usual walk through the Avenue.  It has allowed me to take different photos of the park and surrounding areas.

Fintry Provincial Park Expansion – 50 more campsites
Brightly Coloured Trees Along Shorts Creek

As temperatures have been above average plants that would have normally died down by now are blooming profusely.

















I just love the glow that has surrounded our Fintry home mixed in with a few misty mornings.

Golden Glow surrounding our Fintry Home

Misty Morning

Now I can turn my attention to indoor activities but at the same time making the most of this extended warm period.  I am looking forward to some cozy evenings catching up on recorded TV series and good books.  





Mid Fall Views of My Garden – Leaf Mulch, Pruned Shrubs

Happy Halloween



Would love to hear your feedback.