Peonies Take Centre Stage

Plant Material / Tuesday, June 17th, 2014

Double Pink PeoniesVase of PeoniesDouble Pink PeonyCerise Red Peony

When I first started this post, the peonies were in full bloom and my double pink variety was putting on a great show.  Many a comment has been made by visitors from the park cycling or walking in our neighborhood.  Sadly as I write today, since the wind and rain, they certainly do not look so good even with staking.  It is almost as if I want to protect them with a mini glass greenhouse.   Needless to say I am still enjoying the blooms that I brought into the house which I picked a week ago.  Their scent is lovely.  There is a lot to be said for that in regards to them being a great cut flower. 

There are a few other gems too that are blooming right now including the blue veronica and bell flower campanula and I mustn’t forget the cup and saucer campanula variety which I grew from seed.   Close by the delphiniums have started to bloom – yet another blue colour and finally a lovely cerise pink dianthus has brightened up a spot near the pond.  I do seem to have a theme right now with blue and pinks in the garden with the odd yellow iris.  Cup & Saucer Campanula     Blue VeronicaDelphiniumBlue Campanula

Once the peony flowers subside, there are an array of roses that are just about to pop open.  Looking forward to seeing them flower and to also enjoy the scent of the cut roses in my home.