Golden Glow

Botanical Photography, Containers, Eagle Bay Project, Hanging Baskets, July flowers / Thursday, July 22nd, 2021
Early Morning in My Fintry Garden

It has certainly been a while since I have written a blog post.  Once again we are in the midst of a Summer filled with smoky skies and intense heat.  Needless to say that I feel for those people that have been immediately impacted by the fires.  The smoggy skies create a golden glow in the garden particularly as I step out early morning.  Most of the earlier summer flowers have faded and as ever I am grateful for the hanging baskets and containers.  They add that much needed colour to the garden.  My hydrangea paniculata always puts on a good show at this time of year.   The new climbing roses by the front arbour are taking a while to fill in.

Hanging Baskets & Containers

The vegetable garden was slow to get started but now I have an abundance of produce including tomatoes, potatoes, cucumber and herbs.  Meanwhile the grapes over the patio arbour and the peach tree are absolutely loaded with fruit.  Just keeping fingers crossed that the bear does not come and attack them again.

Garden Harvest

As I take an early walk in Fintry Provincial Park the golden light continues.  I particularly like the hues created by the filtered sun along The Avenue.  I am already seeing a lot of berries including those on the mahonia and choke cherry.  I checked out the new play area too as my grandchildren will be arriving soon.  

Golden Light Through Fintry Provincial Park and Berries Forming

I have to say that my garden has been a little neglected this year as my husband and I have been involved in another project in the Shuswaps.  We purchased some land in Eagle Bay late last year.  Not only have we been busy clearing the  land but we have also started another garden including a pond again.  We must be crazy creating more work but we love it all the same.   It has also given me the opportunity to split up plants in the Fintry garden which were becoming a little invasive. 

Eagle Bay Project

I think that’s about all for the moment.  Hope everyone in the areas affected by the fires is staying safe and I pray that the they will eventually subside.  Until next time…….

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