September Moments

Botanical Photography, Bulbs, Containers, Fall Colours, Fall Plants, Flower Arrangements, Garden Maintenance, Hanging Baskets, Herbs, Places of Interest, Plant Material, September flowers, Shrubs, Wedding Photography / Friday, September 30th, 2016

maple-leaves-good wild-asters-good

I always seem to start off with the same sentence but once again this month has just flown by.  Interspersed with camping trips, wedding photography and the start of fall clean up there certainly has never been a dull moment.

Within the last week I have seen a significant shift in the garden and in Fintry park; leaves on the trees turning to hues of yellow, red and orange and the ever-deepening of the pink blooms on the hydrangea paniculata.  This is also a time when the berries on the trees and shrubs seem to be accentuated.  

h-paniculata-sunflowers-in-background maple-leaves-good yellow-leavesvirginia-creeper

rose-hips rosehips-good2 white-berries-good

I still have a number of late blooming plants, both annual and perennial as well as the odd rose in bloom.  The floral display below pretty much depicts what is currently flowering apart from the mauve/purple asters which are growing in abundance.  

fall-flower-arrangement-goodFall floral bouquet includes crysanthemum, sunflower, hydrangea, smoke bush leaves, sedum and love in the mist seed heads.

This is a busy time of the year gardening wise.  To start with I slowly dismantle the hanging baskets and containers.  I mainly pot up the geraniums and fuchsias.  On occasion I have been successful at overwintering the osteospermums.  It is hit and miss depending on the type of winter we have.  I pot up rosemary, salvia, oregano and thyme and keep them going throughout the winter in the garage. There is also the odd tender plant in the garden that I dig up, in particular, my lacy leaf maple by the pond.  I have kept that going at least 4 years now.  Once the containers are cleared I like to pot them up with a selection of bulbs.  They are buried in my vegetable garden with lots of leaves on top and in the spring I move them into the greenhouse to slowly bring the bulbs on.  After a long winter, it always a welcoming sight to see.  Each year I always look out for different colours and types of bulbs – found some lovely double pink frilly tulips and a selection of daffodil and tulips (series called Dutch Vintage – Alaskan Aurora and Moon & Stars).  Looking forward to seeing how they turn out next spring.

Chinodoxia good-3973 Daffodils blooming-4308White Daffodil, yellow centre-4366Orange yellow tulips opening-4635

My husband and I welcomed a break away camping locally both in Oliver BC and at Skimikin Lake in the Shuswaps BC.  We really lucked out with the weather and enjoyed having this downtime.  It is always a good opportunity for me to continue practising my photography.perfect-camping-spot-apple-beach beautiful-evening-reflections-in-the-lake apple-beach-campground sunset-at-skimikin

I thoroughly enjoyed caputring a September wedding at Cedar Creek Winery in Kelowna BC along with Mark Your Moments Photography (@markyourmoments).  Despite inclement weather, we were still able to do a good shoot

.  couple-having-glass-of-champagne-smiling-good2 finally-sunshine-on-ceremony-site roses-with-raindrops

Enough ramblings, back to garden cleanup.  

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