The Advantages of Overwintering

annuals / Monday, January 25th, 2016

Wintered over geraniums (1 of 1) Wintered over red geranium (1 of 1)

Each year towards the end of the gardening season I make a point of overwintering a number of annuals, herbs, ornamental grasses and tender shrubs in the garage.  My husband installed several shelves by the window and this system has worked well for me for the last few years.  The garage is a lot cooler than the house but it is warm enough so the plants do not experience the low freezing temperatures outside during the Winter.  

I rarely have to water as they are in the dormant stage, but when I was out there checking them yesterday I came across a large red geranium in bloom and decided to bring it in the house to cheer up my kitchen windowsill.   It didn’t look in too bad shape and by March I will be able to transfer it to my heated greenhouse and be able to take cuttings.  These geraniums are my staples in the hanging baskets I plant each year.  

The rest of the plants in the garage look a little bedraggled but they will soon perk up once they are exposed to warmer temperatures.  I have managed to keep my herb pot going and the rosemary which is handy when you need to snip a few leaves for cooking.  

Lemon thyme (1 of 1) Rosemary (1 of 1)

In addition to tending to my plants in the garage I have slowly been taking down the outdoor Christmas decorations.  I did not want to completely dismantle my wreath so I just removed some of the greenery/berries and added a fake quail.  This is very fitting as we constantly have quail visit our garden.Quail Wreath Closeup (1 of 1)

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