Happy Thanksgiving

Containers, Cut Flowers, Flower Arrangements, Hanging Baskets, Plant Material / Sunday, October 12th, 2014

Fall flower arrangementFall flower arrangement 2

I have decided this year to not do the traditional fall color Thanksgiving flower arrangement, i.e. orange and yellow.  I have created instead a combination of pink tones using the hydrangea paniculata flower heads along with sedum (Autumn Joy) and for contrast I inserted a few stalks from the smoke bush (Cotinus coggygria) with it’s lovely deep maroon colored leaves.  To me it definitely captures the season along with the rosy red apples which will be used for my cinnamon apple pie.  It will be interesting to see how long this arrangement lasts.  

I still have so much color in the garden.  Usually at this time of the year I start to dismantle my hanging baskets and containers, but I just haven’t the heart yet to do this as they are still blooming so well.  In the meantime though I am storing them in the greenhouse at night just in case we get a cold snap.   I love the contrast of the coleus against the variegated geranium with a few orange mums still blooming.  

Fall container2
Container with Coleus and Variegated Geranium

The feature plant in the garden this month is the Solidago Canadensis which has arching branches with many yellow flowers.  It always looks so graceful to me and has pride of place in the front garden.  

Solidago 4
Solidago Canadensis


I wish all of my family, friends and those who enjoy my posts a very Happy Thanksgiving!  There is so much to be thankful for…for me it is embracing nature surrounding us and celebrating with family and friends.




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