On to Vegetables/Herbs

Plant Material / Sunday, May 4th, 2014

IMG_2183I confess that I am not the expert when it comes to growing vegetables so I will not be elaborating too much on this topic.   My focus has always been on garden design and growing English cottage garden flowers, while my husband concentrated on the vegetable growing.  Needless to say I have been very successful at starting basil, rosemary, chives, cilantro, lettuce, cucumbers, red peppers and tomatoes (mainly cherry type) in the greenhouse and this year we have experimented on growing lettuce under glass in the vegetable patch…so far so good.

We planted asparagus a few years back and that seems to grow very well in the area where we live.   We have already harvested a batch…yummy!

We have also just planted potatoes – we tried a russet type this year.  In the next few weeks, we shall start sowing the remainder of our vegetable seeds (carrots, beets, spinach, spring onion, radishes to name a few).    Beforehand though we usually add compost and manure to the vegetable garden and then dig it over a few times just to add “body” to it.

It is amazing despite only having a small patch (+ it’s not in the best location sun-wise), the amount of produce we do get from it.

I am off working out in the garden now even though it’s raining…best time to move plants around!







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