Early November Snowfall

Forced Bulbs, Garden Maintenance, Herbs, Vegetables, Winter Garden / Friday, November 3rd, 2017

I had planned on doing a few more garden maintenance jobs outside but the early snowfall beat me to it.  I was aware that the snow was coming but didn’t expect the full extent of the snowfall.  My husband and I just managed to get the tender** plants moved from the greenhouse to the garage.  I have done this for a several years now; basically since I moved to the Okanagan.  The plants go into a dormant stage so there is very little watering to be done.  I also enjoy stepping into the garage and seeing the odd plant in bloom during the deep mid winter months.  At the moment a small hydrangea bush which I have potted up has some lovely blue/mauve blooms.  Another advantage is having herbs readily available although the plants die down somewhat towards the end of winter.  The thyme, sage and a few chives come in very handy over the Christmas season.  

Blue/Purple Hydrangea still Blooming in the Garage
Herbs on the Garage Shelf by the Window

Yesterday my husband dug up the rest of the beetroot, parsnips and carrots.  I can’t believe how well the cherry tomato plants did in the greenhouse this year providing an abundance of sweet tasting produce from mid July until now.  

With the garden blanketed under a layer of snow I now turn my attention to indoors.  A tradition in my family is to make Christmas cake and pudding so I concentrated on starting to make these yesterday.   It almost felt like Christmas while I was stirring the fruit and watching the large snowflakes fall.  

I guess because I have an affinity with nature I like to bring nature indoors.  In the next few weeks I will be potting up the paperwhites, hyacinths as well as  amaryllis.  I always find it difficult to time it right, i.e. getting them to bloom just before Christmas.  Rule of thumb is to plant them at least 6 to 8 weeks before.  (Sarah Raven has a good article on forcing bulbs www.sarahraven.com/articles/forcing_bulbs_indoors.htm)

Time to snuggle down by the fire and read a good book.  Winter has definitely arrived early this year.  

**Tender plants include geranium, fuchsia, osteospermum (african daisy), papyrus grass, new zealand flax and a more delicate coreopsis.  I always overwinter my lacy-leaf maple and seibold maple.  Having lost a few trees in pots in years past, I prefer to locate them to the garage.  

Would love to hear your feedback.