Changing Seasons

annuals, Cottage Garden Flowers, Fall Colours, Fall Plants, Perennials, Shrubs / Monday, October 2nd, 2017
Sedum Autumn Joy
Hydrangea Paniculata “limelight”


I always know when Fall is fast advancing when the blooms change colour on the hydrangea paniculata “limelight” and sedum “Autumn Joy”:  They turn to varying shades of pink and stand out prominently in the garden. 

Our summer was very different this year starting off with flooding followed by smoky skies and intense heat.  I am now appreciating the cooler temperatures and the garden has perked up with second and third bloomings.  I still have a few roses in bud and a few rose blooms.   Sunlight on crimson rose-5749

There are other plants of note that have bloomed all summer long and are still in full bloom. These include rudbeckias (black-eye susans), zinnias, perennial phlox, perennial sunflower and even some of the plants in my hanging baskets.  Within the next few weeks I will start to dismantle the baskets and containers as I do like to winter over the main plants.  

Perennial Sunflower
Perennial Phlox


Annual Zinnia





Rudbeckia (Black-Eyed Susan)
Bright Red Geranium


The blue annual salvias that I started from seed in March are only now starting to bloom.   As much as I like these annuals I will reconsider seeding this annual again as I do not get much benefit from it.  The perennial solidago is now starting to flower.  I love the yellow sprays.  Last but not least are the perennial asters and crysanthemums.  These are great perennials for the late summer/fall season.


Annual Blue Salvia
Perennial Aster – A Staple of the Fall Garden
Perennial Crysanthemum
Perennial Solidago











I will be away from social media for the next couple of weeks while travelling overseas so posts will definitely be very limited.


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