A Touch of Frost

Plant Material, Rockery plants / Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

A touch of frost in the Findleberry garden today.  With macro lens in hand I couldn’t resist going out in my dressing gown this morning to capture mainly my rockery plants that have been affected.  My rockery bed is more exposed but the plants are more resilient to colder temperatures.

One of my favourite photos captured is the leaves on the campanula and how the frost has just touched the outer edges of the leaves.

Frost on campanula leaves (1 of 1)

Next up are the woolly thyme and stonecrop plus the last of the buds on the sedum Autumn Joy.

Frost on the sedums (1 of 1) Frost on woolly thyme (1 of 1)

Frost on sedum blooms (1 of 1)

The maroon euphorbia is looking a little bedraggled now.

Frost on euphorbia (1 of 1)

Last up is the leaf of the remaining nasturtium in the vegetable patch.  Love the detail of the intricate pattern created by the frost.

Frost on nastursium leaves (1 of 1)

I guess winter is just around the corner.  

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