I am always fascinated every time I take a walk by the waterfall in Fintry Provincial Park at the power of water. I can understand how easy it was for Dun Waters in his day taking advantage of this power and developing his own hydro system. The waterfall is not at its peak yet but by June with runoff from melting snow it certainly will be roaring.
I tried to capture the rushing water but I only had my macro lens and was mainly taking photos of the wildflowers. Needless to say I didn’t know the potential of my lens and was pleased with these shots.
First wildflower which is ever-present in the Okanagan area is balsam root. At the moment there are also saskatoon berry trees blooming and the lupins are in bud. I never cease to be amazed by the views of the lake and love taking this walk every day. Great way to clear the mind and the exercise is good too!